Pandemonic Pooparchy
There are literally no results on Google for “Pooparchy.” That shows you how powerful the pooparchists are.
New romantic things to say:
- Let’s lather in languid love
- You use your yoni yearningly
- Longing laughs of love let loose leaves of light luxurious lavender
- Ecstatically embrace every emotional ember
- Love lightly levitates life
Bad superhero sidekick names:
- Miss Adventure
- Kid Napper
- Youth in Action (I stole that from a poorly named youth group)
If I made a movie about the pandemic, I’d spice it up with demons and call it Pandemonic.
An academic is when higher-educated people spread uncontrollably.
This week on rearrange parts of words in TV shows:
Star Trek Discovery ➪ Star Trek Very Disco… if the show had come out in 1976.
If I had a dentures shop, I’d call it Adventures in Dentures
If I had an eye glass shop for pirates, I’d call it Aye! Glasses!
If I had a barber shop, I’d call it Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow.
If I had a sign shop, I’d call it Signs of the Times.
If I had an onion rings shop, I’d call it Onion Rings True.
If I had a pet kangaroo, I’d name him Kanga Rue Paul.
If I had a cannabis shop, I’d name it Cannabis Shop, because I’m sick of pot puns.
You can only relate to something if you’ve been late to it before.
I call my vegan spinach triangles SpanikoPETA
The tiniest docking bay on a spaceship should be called Bay B.
and finally…
If I ever saw a pterydactyl overhead, I’d say, “Look! Dina soar!”
God, that was a bad way to end this post. Lemme come up with a better one. Hold on…
Post your song to Instagram if you want a chance to win an Instagrammy.
I’m getting worse. Hold on, I know I have one more good one in me tonight….
A well-placed apostrophe makes Black B’art an Arrrtistic pirate.
Obscure reference but good enough. I’m outta here.