New Covocabulary Words

2 min readOct 9, 2020


Replace your old words with these new Pandemic Words!

Bipartisanitize — Not taking a stand as the world comes to an end

“I believe in compromising with death in a bipartisanitized fashion.”

Cinemask — Masks required at movie cinemas

“Please wear your complimentary cinemask and enjoy the movie!”

Coffee — the person who is coughed on (also spelled coughee)

“I am the the coffer. You are the coffee.”

Covideoconference — What you do at your job

“Fire up that Zoom. Covideoconference starting. And if you’re going to be walking around in the background, please put some pants on.”

Covidiocy — false info. About the pandemic

“Bill Gates….”

Covidiot — Anyone who disagrees with you about safety precautions

“That person wore a mask when they didn’t need to and didn’t wear one when they needed to. What a covidiot.”

Decontagious — When you cough up particles of the vaccine

“Don’t worry, I’m not contagious. In fact, I’m decontagious.”

Diseasily — Anything that you can easily get done during the pandemic.

“Can I go pick up a coffee? Diseasily.”

Diseasygoing — Chillin’ in the midst of a pandemic

“How’s my day been? Pretty diseasygoing.”

Sanitizzy — going into a tizzy over sanitizing

“I guess I kind of went into a sanitizzy at home today. Watch out — the floors are still wet and sticky.”

Shower — Anything that we used to do routinely but no more

“Am I going to put on shoes today? That would be pretty shower of me.”

Simpaticough — When you cough in sympathy with another who coughs.

“No, I don’t have Covid. That was just a sympaticough.”

Toiletpapereciation — Appreciating toilet paper

“Look at that stash! I am filled with toiletpapereciation.”




Written by Daisybrain

Walk softly and carry a big schtick.

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