Hi. My role models are epiphytes. You know, those plants that grow without soil. They just absorb sunlight, moisture from the air and they don’t really bother anybody. They give us oxygen. And they hurt no one.
The rest of us do harm just by existing. We kill & eat each other. I try to minimize the harm I do and I try try to do some nice things. I rescue flies. I just pet a cat. The cat was happy. But I use resources. I add to the the environmental havoc. I give into addictive behaviors that don’t contribute anything positive.
We are all part of the sentient universe, trying to understand itself. But epiphytes are satisfied just existing; they don’t need to think about their place in the world. They just live. They live Gandhi’s creed of Ahisma, non-harming. I would like to be part of an ecosystem in which all the lifeforms were epiphytes. We all absorbed what we needed to live from the air and light. We could also dance and sing and write poetry. We would write by scratching on rocks, not by turning the bodies of other beings into paper. That’s my planet.