A Pandelemmic Standing Ovulation
Another themeless post of brain spillage by me, your humble blogger
Ears are essential for hearing. I know this because without your ear, hearing would just be h’ring.
Any dilemma you have during a pandemic is upgraded to a pandelemmic.
From now on, socks are called “Foot Pockets.”
If I had a pasta shop, I’d call it Great Pastabilities .
OCDC: a repetitive ACDC — Playing the same song until they get it perfect
If I manufactured a strap-on dildo, I’d call it Phallacy. Think about it, then get back to me.
If Sid Vicious had lived long enough to front for Rancid, they could have called themselves Rancid Vicious.
Slodgy isn’t a word. But if it were, it would describe something thick and muddy.
If you search for “flooperplimp” on the internet, all you will find is this very post in which “flooperplimp” is written twice.
Parnets: Mixed up parents.
“Insurrection” sounds like an erectile dysfunction pill for MAGA men.
Humorality: the morality of humor.
Humormon: a Mormon comedian
Humorbid: a diseased joke
Humorass: stuck in an endless comedy sketch
Humoral: the moral of a joke
Humorph: A joke that starts out one way and ends another
Humorning: a funny morning
Humourning: mourning with a touch of humor
Humortuary: a really funny mortuary
Enough of that. Now for something completely similar:
Jokingdom: A Kingdom of jokes
Q: Why did the Priest cross the road?
A: Because the road did not have its own hands, so it couldn’t cross itself.
Thank you. You are free to go now.